A shocking incident is being reported from Biswanath Chariali in Assam on Monday where a 68-year old man named Shaukat Ali was thrashed by an angry mob for allegedly carrying beef and forced to consume pork.
The man, a local called Shaukat Ali, was thrashed while on his way to a ‘line’ hotel, a business he has been running for 35 years. The situation grew tense as locals surrounded the man after he was accused of carrying beef and he was subsequently thrashed and forced to eat pork.
Police later dispersed the crowd and Ali has been rushed to the Civil Hospital in Bishwanath Chariali after the incident.
Locals shot the incident on camera and the video is being widely circulated online through social media platforms. The video has reached InsideNE, but we are choosing not to upload it due to the sensitive nature of the material.
It may be mentioned that beef is not illegal in Assam as more than 10 different non-Muslim communities consume the meat.