The Northeast International Documentary and Film Festival (NIDFF) is set to captivate audiences in Dibrugarh from January 18 to 21. The festival, hosted at the Dibrugarh District Library, will showcase 38 diverse films and documentaries, spanning across five categories: documentary feature, short film, documentary short, feature film, and Northeast special, providing a platform for both local and international filmmakers.
Mridupawan Bora, the festival director of NIDFF, shared the festival's mission, stating that after a successful Season 1 in 2023, NIDFF is back for Season 2. The goal is to uplift local talent, showcase global films, and foster cultural exchange through film tourism, with a special focus on educating about the art of filmmaking.
The festival's program offers an impressive lineup featuring a variety of compelling films across different genres and cultural perspectives. Among the documentary features to be screened are "Inanada: Reflection of Lights and Shade" from India, "Assassination Orders from Belgrade" from Germany, "Four on Eleven" from India, "Mask Art of Majuli" from India, "One Second at a Time: Battling the Monster of Addiction" from the USA, "Colliding Forces: Mothers in Ballet" from the UK, "Manufacturing Madness” from the USA, “Unspoken Language” from India, “Heyoka” from the Republic of Korea, “Penmudra” from India, “My Radio My Life” from India, and “Angwal” from India.