Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing a sea of masses who had thronged the Jangkhritai Pwthar in Kokrajhar to celebrate the signing of the 3rd Accord between the Government and Bodo organizations. PM Modi further said that the package of Rs 1500 cr announced for the Bodos will usher in a new ear of peace and development in the insurgency torn region.
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PM Modi, with a red aronai wrapped around his neck, said that he had seen many rallies in his life, but he had never seen such a massive gathering in his life, and said that it is the biggest rally in the country post-independence and shall be recorded in the history-books.
Thanking the mothers and sisters of blessing him, Modi said that the love of the mothers would shield him from any number of blows that might fall on him.
The Prime Minister also commended the motorcylce rally (organized by ABSU) and said that the lighting of earthen lamps by Kokrajhar residents rivals Diwali celebrations, and added that this is the beginning of a new dawn for the people.
ALSO READ: Over a Lakh Bodos Welcome PM Modi to ‘Victory Rally’ in Kokrajhar
Paying tribute to Bodo leaders such as Bodofa Upendranath Brahma, ABSU, NDFB, among others, Modi stated that this historic day has been enabled by the immense sacrifice of the martyrs who laid down their lives.
"Through your cooperation only, permanent peace has become possible. Today is not only a new day for Assam, but also for the entire Northeast. Today is a day to resolve that development and faith should be adopted and to shun violence", Modi said, adding that not a single drop of blood should be spilled on the soil from now onwards.
Modi also recalled the sacrifice of Mahatma Gandhi and cited the example of bapu as a paragon of peace and stressed on the need to adopt his ideals.
Recalling the example laid down by saint-reformer Srimanta Sankardev, Modi said that the Assam guru had also espoused the principles of ahimsa, long before Gandhi launched the satragraha against imperialist British forces.
It may be mentioned here that on January 27, a tripartite pact was signed between the Central and State Governments and the Bodo stakeholders, including all four factions of the Nationalist Democratic Front of Bodoland.
After the signing of the Accord, 1,615 cadres of the deposited 178 weapons including AK series rifle, M-16 rifle, 4803 rounds live ammunition, 14 grenades, one 2 inch mortar during an arms laying down ceremony held in Guwahati on January 30.
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