Rajya Sabha MP Biswajit Daimary, in an exclusive interview with InsideNE on Sunday, slammed the Governmental education infrastructure in the state and especially the shortage of specialized teachers teaching in Government schools. He also lauded the venture schools in the state for imparting quality education in the state.
“Our students are being taught in venture schools and colleges. When the teachers seek provincialization and grants from the Government, the Ministers and administration simply abuses them and threatens to punish them”, Daimary stated.
“If these educators stop teaching, lakhs of students will lose access to education and the Ministers do not have the capability to even teach a hundred students. We should thank the venture schools teachers, in fact”, he added.
Daimary also stated that the education department and the Government are not capable of setting up educational institutes and yet they sit and criticize the venture schools.
“I have heard in the Assembly that per 30 students, only one teacher will be there as per enrolment procedure. For a school to have 3 teachers, it must have ninety students. But in our schools, we have ensured that the students are taught by specialists in the respective subjects” added Daimary.
The Rajya Sabha MP also slammed the education Minister and Education Secretary and queried how can a teacher be expected to impart education in all disciplines? “Can the Education Minister and Education Secretary teach all subjects? Let’s see by allotting them ten students each!” said Daimary.
“Who came up with these ridiculous ideas? We need solutions to these problems. If the thinking is right, we can solve all our problems with a positive attitude”, he added.
“The Ministers at the top who have the power to usher in change must change their attitude and mentality. We are helpless to do anything and I am merely stating the problems faced by the masses. But, if we have problems, we will have solutions too and with the right attitude, I think our state Assam can be changed for the better” Daimary said.