The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam, led by Anurag Sarmah, Additional Superintendent of Police (APS), apprehended four individuals involved in the illicit trade of narcotics from Manipur to Assam. In the operation, conducted in Guwahati, the team seized 27g of heroin in Guwahati, and financial & supply chain details were unearthed.
The arrested individuals have been identified as S Changboi Haokip (38), Letminlal Lhungding (40), Md Shahadat (19), and Rajaur Rafi (24). Their arrests are expected to provide significant insights into the operations of the narcotics smuggling ring and aid in further crackdowns on the illicit trade.
The operation also revealed detailed information about the smugglers' financial transactions and supply chain mechanisms.
Further details about the operation are awaited.
On the other hand security forces in Manipur recovered two pistols, twelve live round ammunition, and one hand grenade without detonator from the Naorem Leikai Pena Khongba area, in Imphal West.
In another operation, three improvise (three pumps) from Chingphei Village and Heichanglok, Churachandpur district were seized.
Two HE-36 grenades with detonator and fuse, one BP vest, one combat t-shirt, and one plastic carrying bag from Singtom village area, Kakching District were also recovered.