The Mamata Banerjee-helmed All India Trinamool Congress on Sunday has released its list of candidates who will contest the ensuing Lok Sabha elections in Assam. The party will field candidates in nine of the fourteen Lok Sabha Constituencies of Assam. The candidates are:
Chandan Das – Karimganj
Hitabrata Roy – Silchar
Nurul Islam Choudhury – Dhubri
Kamala Kanta Daimary – Kokrajhar
Ashahak Ali Dewan – Barpeta
Manoj Sharma – Guwahati
Sudhendu Mohan Talukar – Mangaldai
Sahadev Das – Nagaon
Ribulaya Gogoi – Jorhat
It is to be mentioned that the Trinamool Congress, which is considered a minor player in Assam politics, has aspirations of forming the Government in Assam in 2021. The TMC, which was founded by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in 1998, is currently the fourth-largest party in the Lok Sabha with 36 seats.