Golaghat forest department has arrested two high-ranking officials from the Numaligarh Oil Refinery (NRL) in connection with the clandestine disposal of a wild elephant that died under mysterious circumstances. The officials, Ujjwal Nayan Sandikai, Chief Manager of Urban Areas, and Bedanga Kashyap, Manager of Urban Areas, were detained following an extensive interrogation at the Golaghat Regional Forest Officer's office.
The elephant, which succumbed to electrocution in an NRL-managed town on July 18, was secretly buried by the officials without proper notification to the forest authorities. The forest department, upon receiving a tip-off, unearthed the carcass and performed a post-mortem examination, which led to the seizure of relevant evidence.
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In response to the incident, the Golaghat forest department initiated an independent investigation under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. Both Handique and Kashyap were formally charged and presented before the Golaghat court.
The controversy has sparked widespread outrage, with numerous national organizations staging protests and filing complaints against the Numaligarh Oil Refinery. The case highlights serious concerns over wildlife management and corporate accountability in urban areas.