The Asom Sankhayalaghu Sangram Parishad has lodged an FIR against Assam Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma at the Nagaon Sadar police station. The FIR comes in response to the Chief Minister's controversial remarks, including the use of the term 'Miya Assamese' and insensitive comments regarding the dietary habits of different communities.
Accusations of communalism and nepotism have also emerged, with claims of secret alliances and preferential treatment. The Parishad highlights the alleged connection between the Chief Minister and Badruddin Ajmal, questioning the motive behind the statements made by Dr. Sarma.
The Chief Minister's remarks have sparked outrage, with critics claiming that they undermine social harmony and promote division among communities. The Asom Sankhayalaghu Sangram Parishad vows to launch a strong mass movement if the Miya people are threatened with expulsion, advocating for unity and inclusivity.
Furthermore, allegations of corruption and favoritism have been raised, with claims that the Chief Minister has established multiple companies in the name of his children. Concerns have also been raised about his son engaging in business activities on public footpaths, reportedly with the permission of the Minority Sangharsh Samiti.
In response to these developments, a member of the Minority Struggle Committee issued a statement expressing dissatisfaction with the Chief Minister's actions.