Kamtapur Liberation Organization (KLO) Chief Jeevan Singh launched a scathing critique against the Mamata Banerjee-led government in West Bengal. Singh's condemnation comes in the wake of alleged arrests and mistreatment of KLO members, including Tapas Rai and KLO Secretary-General Kailash Koch, by the state authorities.
Singh, speaking out amidst ongoing peace negotiations with the Indian government for a separate Kamtapur denounced the actions of the Mamata government. He accused the state administration of resorting to oppressive tactics reminiscent of colonial rule to suppress the aspirations of the Kamtapuri people.
One of the focal points of Singh's ire was the government's obstruction of the celebration of Chilarai divas, a significant event for the Kamtapuri community. Expressing outrage at this interference, Singh rallied the diverse communities residing in Kamtapur to join hands in the struggle for KLO's national liberation and to resist the oppressive measures of the West Bengal government.