Tea workers have filed a complaint against the Margherita branch of the Assam: Tea workers demand financial accountability from Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha at the Margherita Police Station, raising concerns about financial transparency and the use of funds.
Workers from two tea estates, associated with the Margherita branch of the Assam: Tea workers demand financial accountability from Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha, jointly filed the complaint. The allegations are directed against the union's president, Gautam Dhanwar, and the secretary, Harinand Gar.
For the past 70 years, the Assam Tea workers demand financial accountability from Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha has been deducting a portion of the wages earned by the tea workers as contributions. The amount collected from these deductions now stands at approximately Rs 15 crores.
Workers are questioning the usage of the funds, demanding transparency on where the money goes and how it is being spent by the union.
The Assam: Tea workers demand financial accountability from Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha was established to address the problems faced by tea workers, but workers allege that the union has failed to resolve their issues. Instead, it appears that the union is catering more to the tea companies.
Issues such as workers' housing, drainage, sanitation, and even the condition of dispensaries in the tea estates remain unaddressed. Many union officials seem to be indifferent to these problems, leaving some workers to continue using open areas for sanitation.
Moreover, the union has not provided any financial support for the education of tea workers' children.
In contrast to the workers' struggles, the central president of the Assam: Tea workers demand financial accountability from Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha, Pawan Singh Ghatowar, and the secretary, Rupesh Goyal, are reportedly leading lavish lifestyles.
Frustrated by the lack of transparency, the workers have filed a complaint seeking a detailed account of the collected funds. They have warned that if the practice of collecting contributions does not stop soon, they will take further action.