In a devastating incident near Chongajan railway station in Sarupathar, a Mahendra mini vehicle with registration number AS05 AC3588 was tragically run over by an upscale passenger train while crossing an open railway line. The incident has triggered a wave of local protests, with demands for immediate action to establish a level crossing at the site.
According to eyewitnesses, the ill-fated four-wheeler was dragged away by the passing train. The tragedy has fueled the frustration and anguish of the local community, prompting them to take to the railway tracks in protest. Students and concerned citizens have joined hands, raising their voices to demand the construction of a level crossing to prevent similar accidents in the future.
Protesters gathered in front of police officials, expressing their grievances and insisting on concrete measures to address the safety issue. Their demands included the need for written assurances and the involvement of higher-ranking officials to ensure the implementation of a level crossing at the accident-prone location.