A tragic incident unfolded in Dhumarkur, Bajali, as two young girls lost their lives after falling into the Pahumara river. The victims aged 10 and 12 had gone for a bath along with two other girls on Tuesday but the outing turned fatal.
According to reports, the four girls aged between 10 and 12 years ventured to the Pahumara river for bathing. However, tragedy struck when two of them accidentally fell into the river leading to their untimely demise.
Upon receiving the distress call, authorities swiftly responded to the scene. Both the Bhabanipur police and State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) teams rushed to the spot to initiate rescue operations.
The SDRF, operating with urgency commenced rescue efforts managing to save one of the juveniles alive. However, the condition of another rescued girl remains critical.
Sadly, despite the concerted efforts of the SDRF forces the other two girls were retrieved from the river already deceased.
The survivor in critical condition was promptly transported to the hospital for urgent medical attention.