In the remote village of Matraghola, nestled within Ballaras in Bongaigaon district, a poignant tale of neglect unfolds against the backdrop of impending elections. Despite the passage of time, development remains a distant dream, casting a shadow over the aspirations of its inhabitants.
"Despite of having ministers in our area, we are struggling with the dilapidated condition of this bridge for 10 years. And they have turned blind eye to our situation. This is the only way from our village to connect National 37" a local said.
One glaring deficiency in Matraghola is the absence of a bridge, a vital lifeline for hundreds of residents, including students commuting to schools and colleges. The only semblance of a bridge, constructed with reinforced concrete a decade ago, succumbs annually to the ferocious currents of the Aai and Manah rivers during the monsoon deluge.
Despite the passage of two electoral cycles, marked by the expiration of tenures for two MLAs and MPs, the cries for assistance have fallen on deaf ears. Local representatives, entrusted with the mandate to uplift their constituents, have seemingly vanished from the scene, leaving a trail of unfulfilled promises and shattered hopes.
The predicament in Matraghola is emblematic of a broader malaise afflicting the political landscape, where parties vie for votes with fervent pledges of progress, only to recede into oblivion once the ballots are cast. BJP, AIUDF, Congress - the names may change, but the story remains one of perpetual neglect.
As the nation braces for yet another round of Lok Sabha elections, the electorate in Matraghola has vowed to make its voice heard loud and clear. The electorate's discontent simmers beneath the surface, ready to manifest in a resounding rebuke to incumbent MLAs and MPs who have failed to deliver on their mandate.
In the labyrinth of electoral politics, where promises often outweigh actions, Matraghola stands as a stark reminder of the enduring chasm between rhetoric and reality, leaving its inhabitants to navigate the treacherous currents of disenchantment and disillusionment.
As the countdown to the elections begins, the fate of Matraghola hangs in the balance, a testament to the enduring struggle for development in the heart of rural India.