Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on December 17 said that there was a time when there were 200 MBBS seats in Assam, today there are 1200 seats. Speaking at the inauguration of Bongshar mini stadium and felicitation programme of meritorious students at Bongshar in Kamrup Himanta Biswa Sarma highlighted the critical importance of optimism and the detrimental impact of pessimism on progress. Emphasizing the role of a positive outlook, Sarma stated, "Pessimism is our biggest enemy; negativity is our worst enemy."
The Chief Minister attributed the nation's forward trajectory to the optimism of the Prime Minister, asserting, "Today, the country is moving towards progress because our Prime Minister is optimistic." Sarma went on to illustrate the transformative power of optimism by citing remarkable advancements in the medical field in Assam. "There was a time when there were 200 MBBS seats in Assam; today, there are 1200," he stated.
Sarma urged the audience to recognize that the world is not a place of despair, asserting that the current global condition is a result of the efforts of a few individuals. Drawing parallels with influential figures, he stated, "If Einstein was disappointed, people would not have seen the wonders of science. If Sachin Tendulkar was disheartened, people would not have witnessed the glory of cricket. If Narendra Modi had been disappointed, people would not have witnessed this new India."
The Chief Minister proclaimed, "Despair is our enemy; hope is our friend." He encouraged citizens to embrace positivity, underlining its role in driving progress and development.
In his address, CM Sarma slsi conveyed his deep appreciation for the pivotal role that his constituency, Jalukbari, has played in shaping his life. The Chief Minister shared his sentiments stating the personal connection he has nurtured over the years.
"Jalukbari has been more than just a constituency to me; it has been an integral part of my life's journey. Today, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for having had the privilege to listen to the joys and sorrows of every individual in this remarkable constituency," stated Chief Minister Sarma.
Highlighting the enduring bond with the students, he expressed, "While some of you may now be parents, every student remains, and will always be, my child. Just as the success of a child brings pride to its parents, the development and accomplishments of each student in Jalukbari bring me personal pride."