8-year-old Licypriya Kangujam, who has become a worldwide sensation due to her stand regarding various environmental causes, has now spoken out against the heinous crime of rape. Holding up a placard, decrying a recent rape incident in Pune, the Manipur kid has demanded that the rapists be hanged.
Kangujam took to her social media platforms to post a picture of herself holding up a placard that reads: "A Manipuri girl was brutally raped and killed in Pune on Sunday. Why our national media is silent? Is there any safe place for us in this country?" She further added the hashtags "#JUSTICEFORMAHIMA" and "HANGTHERAPISTS".
In her caption, the child activist questions why the national media is silent on this issue, and also calls upon Shiv Sena and newly-elected Chief Minister Uddhav Thackaray to intervene in the matter and ensure justice to the teenaged rape victim.
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"A 17 years old Young Manipuri girl called Mahima Khan was brutally rape and killed on last Sunday evening in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Her death body was found near Khadki Railway Station" Kangujam reveals.
"Why our national media are silent on this? Why everyone is silent on this? Because she is from North-East? Or She is a Manipuri??? Or she is not cute? Or she is a Muslim?", the child activist asks, questioning why the rape of the girl has not received any kind of mileage in the media.
"Share this to reach all national media for the justice of #MahimaKhan", the post continues. "Mr. Uddhav Thackeray, Mr Ajit Pawar, I feel at least she deserves justice. Why Maharashtra Government is still silent on this? How long are you going to cover this?", the 8-year-old activist charges, appealing to the Maharashtra Government to deliver justice that is die.
Meanwhile, Manipur locals feel that this incident has been swept under the rug. A source told Inside Northeast, "I stumbled onto an article about this incident, but there wasn't a hue-and-cry. Unfortunately, this incident has not stirred up the kind of reaction that it should. Nobody knows why that is, but it is rather peculiar."
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