Airline company Air Asia kickstarted their service from Agartala on Sunday. Chief Minister Biplab Deb flagged off thE service on Sunday at the MBB Airport in capital city Agartala. At that programme, the Chief Minister claimed that the “good days”, as promised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, have started in Tripura. “There is no scope of worry”, he said.
But simultaneously, the bad days also have been started for the corrupt people, claimed the Chief Minister. Biplab Deb told, his government will not tolerate any of the corrupt people, irrespective of their political background or religion.
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Meanwhile, the Chief Minister has proclaimed that the tourism and business sectors will be specially benefited through these new flights.
Transport Minister Pranajit Singha Roy, MP Rebati Tripura, and MP Pratima Bhowmik were also present on this occasion.
Air Asia has connected Agartala with Imphal, Guwahati, Kolkata, Delhi.
This would decrease the flight crisis problems which the state is undergoing, since SpiceJet removed services from Tripura.
Besides Air Asia, Indigo and Air India are also operating flights from Agartala city.
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