Chief Minister Pema Khandu has mourned the sad and untimely demise of ABK President Kangir Jamoh who breathed his last in a Guwahati Hospital on Tuesday last. In his condolence letter to Smt. Padmeswari Jamoh, wife of Late Kangir Jamoh, CM wrote “with a heavy heart, I write to share the grief of losing one of the most prominent personality of Arunachal Pradesh, Late Shri Kangir Jamoh, former State BJP President and a senior leader from the Adi community who also held the post of President in Adi Baane Kebang (ABK) till his last breath on Tuesday at a Guwahati based hospital.
Hailing from Komkar village in Upper Siang district, Late Jamoh graduated from JNC Pasighat. He cracked APCS examination and became the first APCS officer from the village. He served as Circle Officer in various places. In the later part of 90s, Late Jamoh resigned from the Government job and joined BJP. He was selected as the President of the State Unit of BJP during 1998-2003. During his tenure as President Adi Baane Kebang (ABK), he was instrumental in bringing many reformations in Adi society.
I personally recall his contribution in maintaining communal harmony in the state. He was a person of high probity who was disciplined and committed. He had actively participated in giving valuable inputs during preparation of Budget for 2017-18 when the State Government had invited the CBOs for their suggestions.
In his demise, Arunachal has lost a first generation leader, a social activist and a great gentleman. I believe, leaving this mortal world will not diminish the love and affection showered on him by the people and his god-fearing soul will remain immortal.
I know this would be the most trying times for you and your four children, relatives and people of Adi belt. I hope my humble words of consolation would ease the grief even if a little. In this moment of grief, me, my family, colleagues in the Government and people of Arunachal Pradesh extend our solidarity with you and share the pain inflicted on you by one of the greatest truths of life.
I pray Almighty God to bestow you with strength to bear the irreparable loss. May the soul of one of the ablest son of Arunachal Pradesh rest in peace in heavenly abode” the message added further.