Rekibuddin Ahmed, an environmentalist from Assam, was named the winner of ACI Asia-renowned Pacific's Young Executive Award 2022 on April 28. The Airports Council International (ACI) Asia-Pacific is a global organisation of airports that advocates the interests of airports to governments and international organisations. The Young Executive Award programme, which was established in 2009, continues to promote the dissemination of new ideas and best practises from young professionals in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East airport communities.
''We are extremely proud to have awarded the Young Executive Award to Mr. Rekibuddin Ahmed and an Honourable Mention to Ms. Emily Chan, recognizing their outstanding achievements," said Mr. Jean-Michel Ratron, Director General of Aéroport de Tahiti, French Polynesia, who served as Chair of the Panel of Judges for the programme.
The theme for this year's conference was "Adapting Airports to a Changing Climate in the Region." In his proposal, Mr. Ahmed exhibited outstanding research, analysis, and suitable interventions, assisting the aviation industry in becoming a more sustainable and resilient source of transportation.