Recently a video went viral on the social media platform where BJP workers allegedly set fire to a portrait of Maharaja Bir Bikram and later accused TIPRA workers of setting the fire.
Chairman of the Tipra Motha party, Pradyut Debbarma uploaded the video on his Facebook account stating that, “Got this shocking video where Aryan Rupani (Raju) is filming the BJP workers burning the portrait of Maharaja Bir Bikram and then blaming Tipra workers. He is allegedly an active worker of the BJP social media observer. Such incidents should not happen where people play with sentiments.”
Earlier, on Sunday an office of Bharatiya Janata Party was ransacked in Tripura and the officials in the area have accused TIPRA supporters of the unprovoked attacks, while TIPRA denied by saying that any of its employees who are involved in the event should be arrested.
According to sources, tensions erupted over a BJP membership drive held in the Khai Rai village council area, which is within the jurisdiction of the Jirania police station. The incident has been reported to the local police station, which has opened an investigation. However, no arrests have been reported so far.