The Dimapur Police on Friday organized an exposure visit for the Student Police Cadets (SP's) of the Police Central School, Dimapur and Chumoukedima Hr. Secondary School, to the Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre, Nagaland Tool Room Training Centre and Dreamz Unlimited.
The objective of the visit was to introduce the students to the variety of skill based employment opportunities existing in the state other than the frequently sought for Government jobs.
Of late, the Nagaland Government has been encouraging alternative forms of employment (such as music) in the midst of the employment crisis in the state.
It may be mentioned that Nagaland has the highest unemployment rate among the states and Union Territories (UTs) of India at 21.4%, and Meghalaya the lowest at 1.5%, as per figures tabled by the government in Parliament during the current session show.
Besides Nagaland, states with high unemployment are Goa and Manipur.
Chhattisgarh and Sikkim are among those with the lowest rates. If Union Territories are included in the comparison, Nagaland still tops the list while Dadra and Nagar Haveli replaces Meghalaya with a low of 0.6%.
Country-wide, PLFS pegs the unemployment rate at 6.1%, with the rate lower among females than males. Among the states, Nagaland and Meghalaya again take the top and bottom positions in both the female and the male lists. Goa and Kerala are high in female unemployment (respectively 26.0% and 23.3%) but their respective male unemployment rates are three times lower (8.1% and 6.2%), giving them overall rates of 13.9% and 11.4%.
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