Badal Choudhury, the former PWD Minister of Tripura, accused in a Rs 600 Crore PWD scam, has finally been arrested by police on Wednesday after a long drawn out manhunt. The ex-Minister has reportedly been shifted from the ILS hospital to the West Tripura Police Station.
Earlier, police the former Minister had been confined to his cabin by Tripura police, drawing condemnation from the MLA’s family.
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The MLA’s wife Namita Gope and his daughter Shreya Chowdhury bitterly objected to the presence of police personnel in the cabin where Badal Chowdhury was admitted.
Condemning the confinement, Shreya Chowdhury said that Badal Chowdhury had been admitted to hospital as he has lost his memory and he does not speak as frequently as he used to.
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Senior CPI (M) leader and former MP and minister Jiten Chowdhury also spoke on this matter and demanded government action to shift Badal Chowdhruy outside the state for treatment.
Such interference by the police and government was also beenaskar Debbarma. He said that they would bring everything to the notice of the high court on October 30.
It may be mentioned here that Tripura's Chief Minister Biplab Kr. Deb, has adopted a hardline stance against corruption the State, and promised to punish all wrongdoers. However, the opposition CPI(M) has alleged that his crackdown against corruption is politically-motivated.
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