NEW DELHI: Gurugram police on Thursday busted a gang behind the stealing of luxury cars, managing to make 3 arrests in the process. The 'mastermind' behind the gang, a Naga man named Kikheto from hailing from the state's economic hub of Dimapur, has also been caught.
According to reports, the two thieves have stolen over a hundred cars in the last two years, going on to sell the stolen vehicles in the grey market in Northeast India's Nagaland.
An unlock device tab, two fake number plates, three sockets, one plate instrument, and a master key has been seized by police. who said that the unlock device tab which was used to unlock cars is worth Rs 2 lakh in market.
Two Fortuners were also recovered from Nagaland by police, the report added.
The arrested accused confessed to stealing 9 vehicles and revealed they used to steal Innova and Fortuner vehicles from Delhi-NCR on demand.
After this, they used to sell these high-end cars for five lakhs to the Nagaland accused. In the last two years, the accused have stolen and sold over 100 cars.
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The arrested accused have been identified as Ankit, a resident of Pyau Majra village in Hisar, Jalal, a native of Ghaziabad in UP, and the receiver in Nagaland has been identified as Kikheto of Dimapur in Nagaland.
The trio was produced in a city court and police have taken two on eight days police remand for questioning while the Nagaland accused has been sent to judicial custody.
“After unlocking any luxury car with the help of a device tab they stole the car and then hid the car for a few days. After that they approached Kikheto in Nagaland. Kikheto used to prepare fake papers and number plates of stolen car from Nagaland and send it to them. After that they used to drive the car to Nagaland by road,” said Preet Pal Singh Sangwan, ACP, crime.
The main accused Kikheto revealed during interrogation that he had sold over 50 cars in Gurugram and nearby areas which were stolen from Gurugram, Delhi, Faridabad, Rajasthan, and Haryana.
“The accused confessed that they used to sell the stolen cars after preparing their fake engine and chassis numbers. They sold the stolen cars at a cheap price. We are questioning the accused,” added ACP Sangwan. Further probe is underway,” Sangwan added.
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