Nino Betismo 2018 : Attitude decides our life success

Nino Betismo 2018 : Attitude decides our life success

Nino BetismoNino Betismo
India TodayNE
  • Apr 26, 2018,
  • Updated Apr 26, 2018, 1:43 AM IST

An orientation programme as a part of the Nino Betismo 2018, on Learning and Academic Stress Management was conducted at St. Patrick's High School, Nazirakhat, Assam on Wednesday.

The day-long programme was a part of the ‘Nino Betismo 2018’ event organized by the fourth semester students of M.A. Mass Communication (ADBU). The programme aimed to generate awareness on the importance of child education in the schools located near the Sonapur-based University.

Assistant Professor of the Department of Education, Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), Baldwin Sumer asked the Class IX and X students to believe in themselves to face the daily challenges of life. “Attitude is the key behind your success in life. The attitude that you develop during your student life will lead you on the path to reach your full potential,” he stated.

The outreach programme that was conducted to make learning enjoyable for the students received positive feedback from the beneficiaries. “We learnt how to accept the challenges of life as opportunities to gain knowledge and nurture our relationships,” Sushma said. “I have understood the importance of identifying our learning style. This will help us to strategise the best possible method to optimize our learning abilities. The right management of academic stress will ensure that we get the best out of our lives,” she added.

The main programme lined up under Nino Betismo 2018 has been scheduled on May 5 at the university campus.

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