AGARTALA: Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, together with agriculture minister Pranajit Singharoy and Lok Sabha MP Pratima Bhowmik on Friday launched Kisan Rail's first journey from Agartala to New Delhi.
The train which is carrying around 12 MT of pineapple varieties from farmers in West Tripura and Sepahijala districts, is expected to arrive in New Delhi in 48 hours.
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Ambassa, Kumarghat and Dharmanagar will also be loading a few consignments of produce.
While some consignments would be off-loaded in Guwahati, others will be shipped from Delhi to Jaipur and Mumbai.
According to sources, the consignment has been put into a general freight coach under the supervision of horticulture experts with transportation costs set at Rs 2025 per MT up to Howrah, Rs 882 per MT up to Guwahati, and Rs 2815 per MT up to New Delhi.
Farmers will be paid anywhere from Rs 15-20 per pineapple depending on its size.