Dimapur: The Dimapur Commissioner of Police yesterday fixed the speed of motor vehicles within city limits at 40 kmph for a period of one month with effect from January 5 to February 3.
"In the interest of public safety and convenience and as per rules laid down under Section 112 of Motor Vehicles Act, Commissioner of Police, Dimapur has notified that the vehicular speed limit is fixed at 40kms per hour within Dimapur town area up to Chümoukedima for a period of one month with effect from January 5 to February 3," the Police's notification stated.
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Sources in Dimapur informed Inside Northeast that accidents have occurred in the town over the past few days. "Ever since the opening of the 4-lane, many accidents have taken place within the city limits. Therefore, the Commissioner has taken this step in a bid to curb such incidents," the source added.
However, a section of citizens of Dimapur are questioning whether the same rules will be followed by the VIPs and netas.
"Will the VIPs and the VVIPs follow the rule? That is something that we should watch out for," he said.
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