The Tripura Police have identified some notorious ATM hackers in state capital Agartala. More than a hundred people in the state lost their money in last 3-4 days due to the ATM frauds and more than Rs 1 Crore has reportedly been stolen by the ATM frauds.
The cyber crime branch of Tripura Police informed that the hackers used ‘Skimmer Device’ to know the ATM Pin numbers and customers' ATM card details.
According to the cyber crime branch, the hackers installed ‘Skimmer Device’ in four ATM counters in Agartala: at Battala SBI ATM counter, Indra Nagar SBI ATM counter, Kaman Chowmuhani SBI ATM counter, and State Co-operative ATM counter at Post officer Chowmuhani.
According to police, some of the customers who visited those four ATM booths in recent times, lost their money to the frauds. SBI authority closed all these four ATM counters last night.
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Police told three bank frauds installed skimmer devices in four ATM counters on 3rd November. Police also identified some of the ATM hackers from the CCTV footage. Later, the police also released some of the hackers' pictures.
The State Bank of India also blocked some ATM cards as a precautionary measure, to safeguard the locals from the hackers. According to SBI, these cards have likely been compromised.
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