Rebel Sena MLAs camping in Assam were provided money and ‘other things’ by BJP government: Mamata Banerjee

Rebel Sena MLAs camping in Assam were provided money and ‘other things’ by BJP government: Mamata Banerjee

Fittingly called as the ‘Last Woman Standing’, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee defeated the BJP to emerge as the only woman CM to be standing strongly against the ‘Great Wall’. 

 West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee
India TodayNE
  • Kolkata,
  • Jul 05, 2022,
  • Updated Jul 05, 2022, 1:59 PM IST

Fittingly called as the ‘Last Woman Standing’, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee defeated the BJP to emerge as the only woman CM to be standing strongly against the ‘Great Wall’. 

Speaking at the India Today Conclave East, Mamata Banerjee lambasted the BJP government of misusing power to carry on their vindictive politics to please their vested interests.

Expressing her views on the recent Maharashtra political crisis, CM Banerjee alleged that rebel Shiv Sena MLAs who were camping in Assam were provided money by the BJP, along with ‘’other things’’ while rejecting to elaborate what those ‘’other things’’ were. 

‘’BJP government is an unethical, undemocratic government. They won the government, not the heart of the people of Maharashtra,’’ quipped Mamata Banerjee.

‘’You can bulldoze the people with the misuse of power, you can bulldoze the democracy. The next fight will be between the BJP and the people of the country,’’ added Banerjee. 

Asked about her future gameplan for the 2024 elections, Mamata Banerjee said that the 2024 elections will be a vote of reject rather a vote for elect. ‘’People will not vote to elect a govt, but vote to protest. It will not be a select vote, but a reject vote,’’ added Banerje.

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