Dungro Saria, a Gram Panchayat member, fell victim to alleged assault by supporters of the Bharatiya Janata Party amidst poll-related chaos in Sario village, located under the 8th Bameng assembly constituency of Arunachal Pradesh. Saria sustained injuries and is currently being evacuated for treatment at the Seppa district hospital.
Simultaneously, concerns over electoral integrity loom large as the Election Commission contemplates repolling in several constituencies. The proposed repolling is anticipated in Bogia Siyum, Lengi, and Dingsar polling booths under the Nacho Assembly Constituency in Upper Subansiri. Additionally, the Langlot polling booth under the Nyapin Assembly Constituency in Kurung Kumey district is also under scrutiny. However, the final decision on repolling hinges on the submission of reports by General Observers.