Speaking at the Vijayee Bhava Jan Sabha held at Guards ground, Gangtok, Prem Singh Tamang, the Chief Minister of Sikkim and President of Sikkim Krantikari Morcha issued a challenge to the opposition parties. He stated that if they could substantiate their allegations against his son, Prabhakar Golay, he would willingly step down from his political position.
"The Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) has only one agenda: to deceive the people of Sikkim," said CM Golay. He addressed accusations aimed at his son, Prabhakar Golay, concerning the alleged supply of materials worth crores of rupees to Sikkim hospitals and the health department. Golay challenged the opposition to provide concrete evidence to support their claims.
"I would like to declare that if Prabhakar Golay has indeed supplied any materials to government hospitals and the health department in Sikkim, and if the opposition can produce proof of this, then I will resign from politics tomorrow and take exile," said Golay.
He further stated the commitment of his party to serving the people of Sikkim through initiatives such as GARIB JAN KALYAN PRAKOSTHA. Golay explained that this organization, headed by his son, aims to assist the underprivileged in the state. He highlighted the contributions made by party followers, including donations of money and ambulances, which have greatly aided in the fight against COVID-19.
"Our initiative is to help the poor people of Sikkim. GARIB JAN KALYAN PRAKOSTHA has never received any funds from the government but has consistently supported it," stated CM Golay.