The BJP is projected to get 28-29 seats out of the 29 Lok Sabha seats in Madhya Pradesh, while the Congress is expected to get only 0-1 seats, according to the India Today Axis My India exit poll.
Meanwhile, the NDA is likely to clinch 61 per cent seats, in terms of vote percentage share, while the INDIA bloc will most likely grab 31 per cent seats, as per the survey.
A clean sweep situation is also likely to prevail for the BJP in Gujarat, according to the India Today Axis My India exit poll which predicts that the party will grab 25-26 seats of the total 26, while Congress may bag 0-1 seats.
In Rajasthan, the situation looks grim for the saffron party with predictions claiming 16-19 seats for the party out of the total 25. Congress, on the other hand, is projected to win 5-7 seats, according to the India Today Axis My India exit poll.
This comes as a disappointment for BJP which swept 24 seats out of the 25 Lok Sabha seats in Rajasthan, in 2019.
The India Today-Axis My India exit poll is based on 5.8 lakh interviews conducted in all 543 parliamentary constituencies (read the full methodology here).
Statutory warning: Exit polls can get it wrong.