Popular television actor Arjun Bijlani is set to undergo emergency surgery on Saturday after being admitted to Mumbai's Hinduja Hospital due to severe lower right abdominal pain. The actor known for his roles in various television shows, was notably absent from the sets of his ongoing project on Friday, citing health issues.
According to reports, Arjun has been diagnosed with appendicitis leading to the decision for an immediate surgical intervention. The actor himself addressed the situation on Saturday providing insights into his health and the upcoming procedure.
Arjun shared on Saturday, "I am admitted to the hospital due to severe stomach pain. I am right now going for an X-ray. The doctors are going to perform an emergency surgery tomorrow morning." The severity of his condition prompted the medical team to opt for immediate intervention to address the abdominal pain.
The actor expressed gratitude to his fans, urging them not to worry and conveying confidence in a swift recovery. Through his Instagram stories, Arjun shared a glimpse from his hospital bed featuring a closeup shot of a cannula attached to his hand. Alongside the image, he captioned, “Jo hota hai ache ke liye hota hai (Whatever happens is for the good).”
Arjun's unexpected health setback has raised concerns among his fan base, who have flooded social media with messages of support and well-wishes. The actor's absence from his ongoing project indicates potential disruptions in the shooting schedule, with producers likely to make necessary adjustments to accommodate his recovery period.
As Arjun prepares for the emergency surgery, updates on his condition and the outcome of the procedure will be closely monitored. The entertainment industry and his fans alike await further information, hoping for a speedy recovery for the beloved actor.