On February 12, the body of Tamil director and son of former Chennai City Mayor Saidai Duraisamy, Vetri Duraisamy, was found in the Sutlej River. On February 4, his automobile had an accident in the Himachal Pradesh area of Kinnaur and plunged into a river. Today, February 13, his corpse was returned to Chennai following a post-mortem. The actors Kamal Haasan, Shalini, and Ajith Kumar paid homage to Vetri Duraisamy.
Soon, more information on Vetrin Duraisamy's last ceremonies will be released.
In Chennai, Ajith Kumar and his spouse Shalini come to pay their last respects to their beloved friend Vetri Duraisamy. The two had ridden bikes around India on several occasions. A few years ago, the actor from "Thunivu" went to Vetri Duraisamy's wedding.
Kamal Haasan took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to offer condolences to his family. His post in Tamil is loosely translated as saying, "The news of the death of Vetri Duraisamy, the son of former Chennai Mayor and friend, Saidai Duraisamy, is deeply saddening. It is an unimaginable grief that a young man who was just starting out met his end in such an accident. My heartfelt condolences to the father who has lost his son. I hope he recovers from this soon.
Vetri Duraisamy and his pals collided with a mishap on their way from Shimla to Spiti, as was previously reported. His automobile fell into the river. Gopinath, a fellow passenger, was saved from the scene, but Tenzin, the driver of the automobile, was discovered dead. He is receiving medical attention at a hospital right now.
For the purpose of conducting search operations, many teams were called upon, including the district police officials, State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) Uttarakhand, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP).
On Monday, February 12, nine days after the operation started, a group of divers discovered Vetri Duraisamy three kilometres from the scene of the accident. For a post-mortem, his body was brought to the Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital.