Renowned Bengali filmmaker Arun Roy, known for his poignant storytelling and cinematic brilliance, passed away on Thursday at the age of 56 due to a severe lung infection. The celebrated director had been battling esophageal cancer for over a year, a struggle that deeply impacted his health. His demise was confirmed by Dr. Kinjal Nanda, a doctor and actor who had been treating him at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata.
Arun Roy, whose real name was Arunava Raychaudhuri, had been admitted to the hospital recently following a significant decline in his health. Initially placed in the ICU and supported by a BiPAP system, his condition worsened over the past few days, necessitating ventilation. Despite the medical team's best efforts, Roy breathed his last on Thursday morning.
Dr. Kinjal Nanda, who also starred in Roy's debut film Hiralal, shared an emotional tribute on Facebook, writing, "Stay in peace, my Hiralal, just like the original Hiralal (sic)." This heartfelt message underscored the deep bond between the director and actor, forged through their collaborative work in cinema.
Roy’s mortal remains will be taken to his Haridevpur residence at 1 PM on Thursday, where close family and friends will gather to pay their respects.