Shah Rukh Khan will be replaced by Ranveer Singh as the new Don in the third installment of the well-known action series "Don" by director Farhan Akhtar.
Actor-filmmaker-producer Farhan Akhtar has released the first look of Don 3 and captioned, “A New Era Begins."
Additionally, it was previously reported that star Shah Rukh Khan would not be returning for the franchise's third installment and that actor Ranveer Singh will take his place. Yesterday (August 8), Farhan also made an official announcement about the third installment of his well-known action series "Don," which will include a new actor. Farhan said in his post that he is ready to go the movie series ahead with "an actor whose talent and versatility" he has long respected. Sometime in 2025, it will be released.
"We hope that you will show him the love you have so graciously and generously shown to Mr Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan. A new era of Don begins in 2025," the director-writer had said in a statement.