Fukrey 3 starring Richa Chadha, Varun Sharma, Manjot Singh, Pulkit Samrat, and Pankaj Tripathi had a successful opening weekend on Thursday, earning Rs 8.82 crore. On Friday, however, the movie's attendance statistics somewhat decreased.
According to Sacnilk, Fukrey 3 had an occupancy rate of 19.69% on day 2, bringing its whole revenue up to Rs. 16.32 crore. The Vaccine War and Kangana Ranaut's Chandramukhi 2, which each made Rs 1.50 crore and Rs 12.75 crore in two days, were outperformed by this comic entertainment's two-day total.
All three films were released in theatres on Thursday, September 28, coinciding with the partial holiday of Ananta Chaturdashi.
Richa Chadha had recently opened up about missing actor-husband Ali Fazal on the sets of 'Fukrey 3'. Ali essayed the role of Zafar in the comedy series but couldn't be a part of the third installment due to date issues.
"Meeting Ali on the sets of 'Fukrey' was serendipity. Our love story began as friends, and the film holds a special place in our hearts as the origin of our journey together. Working on 'Fukrey 3' without Ali has been a unique experience. We've shared so many incredible moments on set, and his presence always added an extra layer of joy to the filmmaking process. Also, the audiences loved him in the film, even now the audiences express their discontent that he is not part of the new film and I'm sure he's going to be missed by the audiences of the franchise," shared the actress.