Bollywood actors, Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra tied the knot recently in Jaisalmer’s Suryagarh Palace on February 7. Well, now they are happily married and now they are making heads turn with their love-filled moments and beautiful pictures.
The newlyweds have now celebrated their first Holi and dropped breathtaking photos on Instagram. For the two actors, it will be a memorable day because it would be their first Holi celebration as a married couple.
And to celebrate, Kiara and Sidharth have made public previously unreleased photos from their Haldi ritual. To see them, scroll down to the bottom.
In a recent interview, actress Kiara Advani discussed moving in with her husband Sidharth Malhotra after getting married. Speaking of the new phase of her life, Kiara described it as "wonderful" and said she is happy.
In addition of wishing their followers a happy Holi, Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra shared previously unseen images from their Haldi ceremony on Tuesday. At Jaisalmer's Suryagarh Palace, Kiara and Sidharth exchanged vows in a magnificent ceremony. In the opulent setting, they also held their Haldi ceremony.
With the comment "Happy Holi from me and my love to you and yours 💛💜❤️💙💚”
Fans showered the newlyweds with love after they released the images. Tanya Ghavri, a stylist, penned "Cuties." Best to you guys, said a fan. A few users sent them "Happy Holi" messages.