Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone's 'Fighter' is holding steady in theatres across the globe. Going by the initial trade reports, the film, directed by Siddharth Anand, raked in Rs 140 crore net in India by the end of its first week in theatres. As the aerial actioner enters Week 2, it is expected to witness an incline in collection during the weekend. 'Fighter' has been receiving mixed reviews from fans and critics.
'Fighter' is an aerial action entertainer directed by Siddharth Anand. The film released in theatres on January 25 amid massive expectations.
'Fighter' has successfully completed a week in theatres and has minted Rs 140 crore net in India. According to the trade estimates, the film will surpass the Rs 150-crore mark in a couple of days. On January 31, 'Fighter' is estimated to have earned Rs 6.35 crore net in India.
The seven-day total tally of 'Fighter' now stands at Rs 140.35 crore at the domestic box office. The film recorded an occupancy of 11.89 per cent on January 31.