In a recent interview with India Today, popular Bhojpuri actor Ravi Kishan reflected on his career, the Bhojpuri film industry's growth, and his commitment to helping the poor. Kishan, known for his versatile acting skills and significant contributions to the industry, emphasized the impact of Bhojpuri cinema on employment generation in the region.
Kishan proudly acknowledged his status as an "expensive actor," attributing his success to the continuous string of hits in his serial films. He remarked, "Your career is going so well right now. Your serial films are getting a hit one after the other." This consistent success has solidified his position as a leading figure in the Bhojpuri film industry.
Reflecting on his humble beginnings, Kishan shared, "I belong from a down to earth family. I was the son of a priest. And no one ever helped me." He recounted his struggles and the motivation behind his philanthropic endeavors, stating, "I used to always think that the day I get a chance, I will help the poor."
Kishan credited the Bhojpuri society for his rise to stardom, calling it the foundation of his career. "This Bhojpuri society made me a superstar. So I am the senior most here," he said. He proudly highlighted the industry's significant role in providing employment opportunities, noting, "Many lakhs of people got employment through the Bhojpuri industry."