Shah Rukh Khan's much-anticipated film, 'Jawan,' has burst onto the big screen with fireworks, leaving fans and the box office in awe. The Bollywood superstar's latest venture, which premiered on September 7, has already made a historic mark, and early estimates for Day 2 continue to keep the excitement alive.
The film's staggering success on Day 1 has set the stage for a record-breaking run. 'Jawan' amassed a remarkable INR 74.50 crore across all languages in India. In the Hindi version alone, the film recorded an impressive occupancy rate of 58.67 per cent on its opening day.
The excitement didn't end there. Pooja Dadlani, Shah Rukh Khan's manager, delightedly revealed the final worldwide figures for Day 1, and it was nothing short of historic. 'Jawan' carved its name into the annals of Hindi cinema by raking in a colossal INR 129.06 crore, setting a new record for the highest opening day collection in the industry.
Day 2 of 'Jawan' continued the saga of success, with early estimates indicating a robust INR 53 crore in earnings and an overall occupancy rate of 42.51 per cent in the Hindi belt. This brings the total India collection for the film to an impressive INR 127.50 crore, proving that 'Jawan' is not just a one-day wonder but a sustained box office juggernaut.
Internationally, the film is breaking barriers as well. According to trade analyst Ramesh Bala, 'Jawan' has crossed the INR 200 crore mark in global earnings, underlining its global appeal and Khan's enduring star power. While confirmed international figures are yet to arrive, the film's international success is undeniable.