Filmmaker Nikkhil Advani's much-anticipated movie, "Vedaa," featuring John Abraham and Sharvari in lead roles is all set to hit theaters on July 12 according to an announcement made by the film's makers on Wednesday. The film described as a 'high-energy action-drama,' marks a reunion between John Abraham and Nikkhil Advani who previously collaborated on "Salaam-e-Ishq" and "Batla House." Abhishek Banerjee also plays a crucial role in the movie.
Nikkhil Advani, directing "Vedaa" from a script by Aseem Arora, expressed his excitement about the project, stating that it's more than just a film. He mentioned that the movie is inspired by real events and serves as a reflection of society, pushing the boundaries of reality. Advani shared his enthusiasm for working with John, Sharvari and Abhishek Banerjee emphasizing that he hopes the audience will be as moved by the story as they were.
Produced by Zee Studios, Advani's Emmay Entertainment, and Abraham's JA Entertainment, "Vedaa" is anticipated to captivate audiences with its compelling storyline and stellar performances. Shariq Patel, Chief Business Officer (CBO) of Zee Studios, expressed excitement about their association with Advani and Abraham, adding that the film's collaboration with the duo adds an extra layer of anticipation.
John Abraham, who recently appeared in the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer "Pathaan," took to Instagram to share the news with his followers. Accompanied by the official poster, he wrote, "#Vedaa #WaitForIt. She needed a savior. She got a weapon. Releasing in cinemas on July 12th." The release date announcement has heightened expectations for this action-packed venture, promising an engaging cinematic experience for audiences.