Manipuri Cinema needs content improvement, says state’s first gay-themed movie director Priyakanta Laishram

Manipuri Cinema needs content improvement, says state’s first gay-themed movie director Priyakanta Laishram

Talking exclusively to IndiaTodayNE, Priyakanta Laishram shared his challenges while making this movie and also his views on the growth of Manipuri cinema.

Manipur's first onscreen gay coupleManipur's first onscreen gay couple
Puja Mahanta
  • Dec 31, 2022,
  • Updated Dec 31, 2022, 4:32 PM IST

“I am neither thief nor murderer. I have wronged no man. When a human truly loves another human, whose prestige is harmed”, says Priyakanta Laishram, a Manipur filmmaker who has tackled sexual identity for the first time in the state.

LGBT characters are now often featured on small screens (although we would not mind seeing some more).
Some of the creations have the potential to change people's lives by delivering something thought-provoking and meaningful.

Just look at Priyakanta Laishram’s upcoming Manipur’s first gay-themed movie "Oneness" which is a film that accomplishes the same.

Talking exclusively to IndiaTodayNE, Priyakanta Laishram shared his challenges while making this movie and also his views on the growth of Manipuri cinema.

Can you tell us about your filmmaking journey?

I was 11 years old when I made three children's films using Nokia N70 mobile phone and Sony Cybershot camera which went on to win “The Youngest Film Maker 2009” by Nokia CNN Mobiles and feature on Reuters Channel as "One Of The Youngest Filmmakers Of India".

Today, my films witness how I grow up. My films have given me the voice I never had. The responsibility I feel as a filmmaker makes me more and more aware of the issues of society, who I am as an artist, and what I need to do as a filmmaker. I've made socially relevant movies based on child sexual abuse, gender-neutral fashion, male rape, differently-abled people, transgender issues, teen drug abuse, etc.  I have always believed in bringing out the issues and topics which are either considered "sin" or "taboo". Cinema is one of the most powerful mediums to bring about a change in society.

Why should people watch ONENESS? What message one will receive by watching this movie?

Oneness is, of course, the first gay-themed movie of Manipur and it is a tragic true story made with pure intentions. I feel that there is always a place for honest cinema. This film will make people rethink the way they define others. It will make them understand the emotion of a person who does not fit into the stereotyped gender roles. The film showcases the broader human understanding of love. I hope it also helps in changing the way people look at gay roles and offer them the real scenario around it. Oneness surely is expected to pose some questions on the definition of love and I expect it to make a strong impact on audiences with its subject.

What led to the development of this film ONENESS?

I think it’s an important story of our times, and it reflects our reality. I’m always interested in marginalized communities and the way we treat those we believe are the ‘others’, so I think this story found me, I did not find it. Since ONENESS is based on a true story, the research was mostly done by me. It was also reconstructed majorly through personal accounts of the events. But, a lot of it is also fiction—based on our imagination of what Ivan Martin might have been going through.

What were the difficulties you faced while doing this movie?

Finding an actor to play the lead role was the toughest. It took me 8 months just to find an actor. Every mainstream actor was denied because it was the role of a gay man.

Another big challenge was to remain true to the story - to maintain the character’s dignity in the film and not reduce him to a caricature. I wanted to show the human side of Ivan Martin and to do that, the biggest challenge was conveying his loneliness and isolation. It’s easy to write about isolation and loneliness, but cinematically it’s not so easy to show on the screen.

Your ideas are very daring and one-of-a-kind. Could you kindly explain to us how you intend to motivate our young to share their identities with the rest of the world?

We should accept our individuality, and take our stand. Everyone is unique and everybody has the right to live. Just embrace it!

It is really important to come out as an LGBTQIA+ person because we need more representatives in different fields or industries. When there are more representatives, there are chances of changing the society’s mindset and may accept them more.

Have you received any criticism after announcing the film?

Yes! It's a part and parcel of this job. We all know that our country still has a long way to go when it comes to the LGBTQIA+ community. The film sparked off a spate of dissent, a spate of disagreement, which is important. People’s biases came out in the open because of this film, and I think that’s very important. I might not agree with those people, but as I said, it's a part and parcel of this job.

How will you define the changing era of Manipuri cinema?

A lot of non-feature films are doing exceedingly well. But it's a hard time for Manipuri Cinema when it comes to "feature films". I truly feel that Manipuri Cinema needs to improve its "content". For that, we also need more and more young minds - writers and filmmakers who can create nuanced, sensible, engaging, and meaningful content.

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