Priyanka Chopra Jonas, a global icon who has previously attended the prestigious MET Gala in New York, will be present at the event this year as well. She reportedly revealed the information in Los Angeles during the launch of her next Prime Video series, "Citadel."
Priyanka teased the audience by saying, "It will be on a theme," in reference to her appearance. This year, Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt will also walk the MET Gala red carpet for the first time. It's expected that Bhatt will wear a Prabal Gurung outfit.
Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty is the topic for this year's MET, which is frequently referred to as "fashion's biggest night out." The occasion will take place on May 1. This year, celebrities are anticipated to honour Karl Lagerfeld's legacy and life.
Priyanka's style for this year's Met Gala is unknown, but the actor did indicate it will feature a "special element".
In 2017, Chopra made her MET debut donning a beige trench dress by Ralph Lauren with a very long tail. She will return to the MET after a four-year absence; she previously made an appearance there in a Dior couture gown in 2019 for the theme "Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion."