Deepika Padukone, known for her stellar performances in Bollywood, is making headlines once again, this time for her dedication to work amid her pregnancy. The renowned actress, who is expecting her first child with husband Ranveer Singh, has surprised fans by returning to the set of Rohit Shetty’s upcoming film 'Singham Again' despite being in the midst of her pregnancy journey.
In a recent leak from the film's set, a photo of Deepika Padukone in her cop avatar has gone viral on social media. The image captures Padukone donning a police uniform, her hair neatly tied in a bun, as she embodies the character of Shakti Shetty, reportedly the sister of Ajay Devgn's character in the movie. Notably, her baby bump was not visible in the picture, showcasing her commitment to her role and the project.
'Singham Again', a highly anticipated addition to Rohit Shetty's cop universe, was announced by the director on the auspicious occasion of Navratri in October 2023. The film features an ensemble cast including Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh, Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor, and now, Deepika Padukone in a pivotal role.
Fans and followers of the actress expressed their surprise and admiration for her dedication to her craft, applauding her decision to continue working despite her pregnancy. Deepika's return to the set of 'Singham Again' not only showcases her professionalism but also adds excitement and anticipation for the film among audiences.
Meanwhile, off-screen, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child, having joyously announced their pregnancy in February 2024. As the power couple prepares for parenthood, Deepika's simultaneous commitment to her career highlights her versatility and determination in balancing her personal and professional life.
With 'Singham Again' poised to bring together Bollywood's biggest names in a thrilling cop drama, Deepika Padukone's involvement adds another layer of intrigue to the highly anticipated project. As fans eagerly await further updates, Deepika continues to captivate audiences both on and off-screen with her talent and grace.