Nayanthara has responded to the controversies surrounding Annapoorani, her most recent movie. After being temporarily accessible on Netflix, the film was taken down because of claims that it offended Hindu feelings. Nayanthara made a regretful speech that sought to make her intentions clear and express her condolences to the people she had wronged.
“Jai Shri Ram," the actor starts her message and writes, “In our sincere attempt to share a positive message, we may have inadvertently caused hurt. We did not expect the removal of a censored film, previously showcased in theatres, from the OTT platform. My team and I never intended to hurt anyone’s sentiments and we understand the gravity of this issue".
The actor, who was earlier seen in Jawan with Shah Rukh Khan, calls herself a believer in God who “frequently visits temples across the country". “To those whose feelings we’ve touched, I extend my sincere & heartfelt apologies".
The movie, which debuted in theatres on December 1, was only available for one day on Netflix before being removed. Certain moments caused distress for some viewers, who said they offended religious sentiments. One character in the film states that Ram used to be a "meat-eater" during a heated exchange of conversation.
When someone named Ramesh Solanki filed a police report at the Lokmanya Tilak Marg police station in Mumbai, the Annapoorani situation got worse. He said that the movie purposefully offended Hindu feelings and disrespected Lord Ram. Zed Studios, the movie's producer, then expressed regret to Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Before they stream anything further, they promised to cut out any controversial material.
Nayanthara emphasised the film's inspiration and upliftment as she wrapped off her remarks. In her reflections on her twenty years in the field, she emphasised her dedication to promoting mutual learning and positivism.
Not everyone is impressed with Nayanthara’s apology. “This was not necessary. I watched the movie Annapoorni. I would say it was a really a nice movie for foodies. I couldn’t find anything else!" wrote one user.
“Never expected!! A censored film cannot be removed from OTT just like that bcoz it hurts a group of people? If a grp of people gonna decide what and what not the rest of the world should watch, then where's the freedom? I hoped you would stand up for the film," wrote another.
“The references made of Lord Shiva and Ram having Non-veg has been told even by my grandmother. These stories have always been in the culture. It is so sad that a group of people are causing such petty problems, even in this era!" came from another.
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