Bollywood actor Nora Fatehi on September 15, 2022, appeared before Delhi Police's Economic Offences Wing in connection with an extortion case linked to alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, officials said.
She has been called in for questioning by the Delhi Police for her alleged role in the case a second time, according to them.
Pinki Irani, who is believed to have introduced her to Chandrashekhar, will also be questioned, according to the police. Pinki was questioned on Wednesday in connection with the case, along with actor Jacqueline Fernandez.
Irani and Fatehi, according to a senior police officer, have joined the investigation at the Mandir Marg office of the Economic Offences Wing.
They will first be interrogated separately before being interrogated jointly, the officer continued. There are "some unsolved questions," the officer said, despite the fact that Fatehi was questioned by the agency for six to seven hours on September 2 and her statement was recorded.
The claims given by Irani contain several contradictions.
Fernandez was questioned for more than eight hours on Wednesday; according to the police, she participated throughout the investigation and may be contacted again for further interrogation.
Currently incarcerated Chandrashekhar is suspected of defrauding numerous people, including prominent figures like Aditi Singh, wife of former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Mohan Singh.
In a charge sheet submitted on August 17, the ED named Fernandez as a defendant in a high-profile money laundering case involving Chandrashekhar.
The ED claims that he gave Fernandez and Fatehi expensive presents like luxury automobiles.