In a groundbreaking achievement, AROGYA, the pioneering darksynth gothic metal rock band from Northeast India, is currently making an eight-city tour of Russia, leaving an indelible mark on the country's music scene. Alongside Russian horror fantasy band Guardian Angel, AROGYA is performing in Krasnodar, Voronezh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, N. Novgorod, Samara, Volgograd, and Rostov-on-Don, enthralling audiences with their unique sound.
This international tour to Russia not only showcased AROGYA's exceptional talent but also represented Northeast India on a global platform. The band's music, a fusion of dark rock, gothic and modern elements, resonated with the Russian audience, garnering widespread acclaim and popularity.
In a remarkable feat, AROGYA became the first Indian band to be featured in a live broadcast on Russia's TV channel KUBAN24.TV, further solidifying their reputation as cultural and music ambassadors.
Show after show, AROGYA's energetic performances and distinctive music captivated Russian fans, demonstrating the universal power of music to transcend borders and cultures. As they continue to make waves in the international music scene, AROGYA's success serves as a testament to the rich artistic heritage of Northeast India especially with their costumes designed by the famous international designer Ms Yana NgobaChakpu, who infused traditional NE elements in all their unique and attractive attires, which enhanced the band's image.
"We're absolutely thrilled to be on tour with the incredible Russian band Guardian Angel! It's an honour to share the stage with such talented musicians. We feel truly blessed to have been given this opportunity to represent Northeast India on a global platform. The response to our music has been overwhelming - every show has been a testament to the power of music to unite people across borders and cultures. Seeing our unique sound resonate with Russian audiences has been exhilarating. We're grateful for the love and support we've received, and we can't wait to continue sharing our music with the world. This tour has been a dream come true, and we're soaking up every moment of this incredible experience!", says Rain, lead vocalists of AROGYA.
With their Russia tour, AROGYA has paved the way for future generations of Indian musicians, inspiring a new era of cultural exchange and collaboration between nations.