Ace Telugu composer M. M. Keeravani will retain his birth name for his upcoming Tamil film 'Chandramukhi 2,' which stars Lawrence and Kangana Ranaut and is directed by P Vasu. Despite the fact that Keeravani goes as Maragathamani in Tamil films, the seasoned filmmaker voiced his wish for Keeravani to utilise his real name. He made it clear that he wanted his name to be linked to writing the soundtrack for blockbuster films like "Baahubali," "RRR," and "Eega."
He also said that because composer Vidyasagar had previously created the score for the 2005 movie "Chandramukhi," Keeravani at first hesitant to write music for "Chandramukhi 2".
In order to explain things, Keeravani personally contacted Vidyasagar. Keeravani agreed to work on the horror film only after this talk, and his work has been fantastic," he adds.
In fact, when working with renowned director K Balachander in the 1990s in Kollywood, Keeravani took on the moniker Maragathamani and provided successful songs in Tamil films like "Azhagan," "Jaathi Malli," and "Vaaname Ellai."
It needs mention here that Keeravani ventured into composing music for Hindi films using the pseudonym M M Kreem, where he achieved success with musical hits such as 'Criminal,' 'Zakhm,' 'Jism,' and 'Paheli.' His talent was particularly acknowledged for creating gentle and melodious tracks like 'Tu Mille Dil Khile' and ‘Gali Mein Aaj Chand Nikla’.