The newsmaker of February 2024 was Poonam Pandey. The majority of Internet users criticised the actor-model for staging her death in order to raise awareness of cervical cancer. Poonam has updated her Instagram story and removed all of her death fake postings in a recent development.
Poonam has already removed her earlier posts about her phoney death announcement and explanation message. She has dropped a new post on Instagram and wrote, "The truth shall be revealed soon (sic)", in bold letters. She captioned the same with folded hands emojis.
Her followers commented, "Time for making reasons for what i can do so people trust me (sic)", "Not interested (sic)", "She literally deleted everything about that cervical cancer (sic)", "We don't want to hear any fake truth (sic)", "What’s now (sic)."
A post on Poonam Pandey's Instagram page on February 2 shocked the country. Poonam's team stated in the message that she passed away from cervical cancer. On February 3, Poonam uploaded a video on Instagram to confirm her survival and share awareness about cervical cancer, which raised suspicions given recent footage of the star partying went viral. Nevertheless, the bulk of social media users criticised her for the advertising gimmick, therefore her technique didn't work effectively.