Priyanka Chopra, a global icon and actress known for her versatility and advocacy, has been an outspoken voice on women's empowerment. Her quotes often reflect her strong beliefs in gender equality, empowerment, and breaking stereotypes. From advocating for equal opportunities to encouraging women to embrace their strengths, Chopra's motivational quotes resonate widely. Her insights into empowerment often draw from her personal experiences, serving as an inspiration to women worldwide to pursue their dreams fearlessly and challenge societal norms.
Here are some of the inspirational quotes of her on women's strength and equality:
"I feel that women need to have a voice. That's the basic right of the women, and that's global. When a woman says something, she shouldn't be judged or silenced because she's a woman… For centuries, women have always been told to be a certain way or behave a certain way, and it's time women decide what they want themselves individually" Priyanka Chopra speaks on girl empowerment at the UN general assembly.
"The hand that rocks the cradle, the procreator, the mother of tomorrow; a woman shapes the destiny of civilization. Such is the tragic irony of fate, that a beautiful creation such as a girl child is today one of the gravest concerns facing humanity".
"Being human is given, but keeping our humanity is a choice" Priyanka Chopra said at the 70th anniversary event of UNICEF.
"Fight for your dreams because no one else is going to fight for your dreams, except you".
"we as women, everyone in this room and everyone in this world has a responsibility to our future daughter, to our future granddaughter, to change the world in a way where they don't have to think about lack of opportunity".
"No one is going to tell you, here's an opportunity. Go make something of yourself. You're going to do it for you because people are only going to try and take it away. And it's so important for us to be able to empower each other in everyday life. We don't have to conquer the world."
"Financial independence is paramount. My momalways says that when a woman is financiallyindependent, she has the ability to live life onher own terms. I think that was the soundestadvice that I ever got. No matter where you goin life or who you get married to, you have to befinancially independent - whether you use it ornot".
"You can be an absolute woman and also besmart and tough and not lose your femininity".