Allu Arjun and director Sukumar’s blockbuster sequel, Pushpa 2: The Rule, continues its unparalleled success at the box office as it welcomed 2025 with a significant surge in collections. Released on December 5, 2024, the film has already amassed over Rs 1,184 crore nett in India in just 28 days and is steadily marching toward the coveted Rs 2,000-crore gross mark worldwide.
The sequel to Pushpa: The Rise has been a game-changer, setting new benchmarks for Indian cinema with its record-breaking run. Particularly notable is its dominance in the Hindi-speaking regions, where the dubbed version has contributed significantly to the film’s success. On January 1, 2025, a national holiday, Pushpa 2 witnessed a remarkable 70% jump in its collections, earning Rs 13.15 crore nett, a substantial increase from the Rs 7.7 crore earned on Day 27.
According to the tracking platform Sacnilk, the Hindi version alone contributed Rs 9.5 crore on Day 28, while the original Telugu version added Rs 3.15 crore. The film’s performance underscores its widespread appeal across languages and regions.
As of Day 28, Pushpa 2: The Rule has accumulated Rs 774.65 crore nett in India, with individual language contributions as follows:
Telugu: Rs 330.53 crore
Hindi: Rs 774.65 crore nett
Tamil: Rs 57.65 crore
Kannada: Rs 7.68 crore
Here’s the week-wise and daily collection breakdown:
Week 1: Rs 725.8 crore
Week 2: Rs 264.8 crore
Week 3: Rs 129.5 crore
Day 23: Rs 8.75 crore
Day 24: Rs 12.5 crore
Day 25: Rs 15.65 crore
Day 26: Rs 6.8 crore
Day 27: Rs 7.7 crore
Day 28: Rs 13.15 crore
Pushpa 2 is not just an Indian phenomenon; it has garnered immense global attention. Its worldwide gross is on track to surpass Rs 2,000 crore, solidifying its place as one of the highest-grossing Indian films of all time. The movie’s success is driven by its gripping narrative, high-octane action sequences, and Allu Arjun’s stellar performance, which has been lauded by audiences and critics alike.